During her stint at the dailies, Reddy also interviewed several Indian celebrities. The journalist revealed in an interview that her writing niches include travel, sports, fashion, and cuisine. Reddy serves at the position of features editor at Deccan Chronicle and at The Asian Age newspaper as well. In 2013, like her family, Gayatri too got associated with the family business, where she was known to maintain a lower profile. Gayatri Reddy cheering for Deccan Chargers in the IPL Journalism Her mother, Manjula Reddy, took up the role of a senior features editor at the Deccan Chronicle, and handled the Tabloid section, along with other major editorial responsibilities. In 2010-2011, Gayatri’s entire family started working at the Deccan Chronicle. Venkattram Reddy, who is the owner and chairperson of Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited, has also been associated with the Indian National Congress and has served as a member of the Rajya Sabha. degree in Construction Management honours from the University College London. Gayatri Reddy was born Tikkavarapu Gayatri Reddy on Thursday, 24 July 1986 ( age 35 years as of 2021) in Hyderabad, with the zodiac sign Leo.